
Electrical engineering

See also: Software, signal processing, batteries, sound.


1980 Information Age, Third Industrial Revolution, or Digital Revolution. Knowledge workers, cognitive-cultural economy, new service-based economy.


The charge of an electron (-e) is 1.6e-19 C.

Point charge

Torque on a magnet in a magnetic field: τ = m × B.

Maxwell’s equations describe electromagnetic fields.

Piezoelectricity convert between electric field and mechanical strain.

Thermoelectric effect. A thermocouple converts between temperature differences and voltage differences. Seebeck effect: temperature to voltage. Peltier effect: voltage to temperature (low efficiency).

Impedance is resistance and reactance.

An LC circuit combines an inductor and capacitor. It can generate or pick out signals at its resonant frequency. The capacitor discharges current through the inductor, building up its magnetic field. The inductor opposes changes, and recharges the capacitor. The LC circuit will amplify an AC input at its resonant frequency.

A voltage divider consists of two resistors connected in series, with the output terminal in between them. The voltage difference is dissipated as waste heat.

A linear regulator is a nonlinear component that continuously adjusts a voltage divider to maintain a constant output voltage. It needs an internal voltage reference, typically from a Zener diode, which has a fixed voltage drop independent of input voltage.

A switching regulator uses pulse-width modulation to control the average output voltage, achieving around 80% efficiency.
A trimmer or preset is a circuit-mounted pot that is set once with a screwdriver and not user-adjusted.

1833. A Wheatstone bridge measures an unknown resistance Rx.


Analytic representation. The Fourier transform of a real-valued function \(A\cos(\omega t+\theta)\) has Hermitian symmetry, so the negative frequency components can be discarded.

Any signal decomposes into amplitude-modulated in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) components.

Alternating current

Active electronics produce power gain.

Power electronics

1936. Printed circuit board (PCB) by Paul Eisler.

Work tools

Solder is a fusable metal alloy, melting at 190 °C. Brazing joins metal with hard solder with a melting point above 450 °C. Tin-lead solder is most common. Tin improves wetting (maintaining contact), has higher tensile and shear strength, and is more expensive. Lead prevents the growth of tin whiskers which cause short circuits. 63/37 Sn-Pb is the eutectic alloy with minimum melting point.


A dielectric medium is an insulator with high permittivity, meaning that it can be polarised by an electric field. A higher permittivity allows a greater stored charge at a given voltage.

A magnetic field can be described as magnetic flux density B (tesla or N/m/A) or magnetic field strength M (A/m), related by the magnetic permeability μ of the material: B = μM.
A particle with magnetic moment m (Am^2) experiences a torque 𝜏 = m × B.

Lorentz reciprocity. Current density J1 produces electric field E1 and magnetic field H1 with time dependence exp(-iωt). Current J2 produces E2 and H2. Then for a surface S enclosing a volume V, int_V (J1∙E2 - E1∙J2) dV = int_S (E1×H2 - E2×H1) dS. The surface term is 0 for localized currents.

In magnetic materials, an external field H induces an internal field M depending on the magnetic susceptibility χ: M = χH. The flux density B = μ_0 (H + M) = (1 + χH) = μH.
Ferromagnetic materials spontaneously form many magnetic domains due to the exchange interaction, which favors aligned local spins. Their atoms have unpaired electrons. Remanence is the process of magnetization, a hysteresis where the domains are aligned through an external field. Ferromagnets demagnetize above the Curie temperature, becoming diamagnetic.
A neodymium magnet or rare-earth magnet has more unpaired elections and a high magnetic anisotropy which gives high remanence (1 T) and high coercivity, or resistance to being demagnetized. Ferrite is 0.35 T.
In paramagnetic materials, an external magnetic field induces a very weak aligned field, causing attraction. Induced field strength is linear with the external magnetic field.
In diamagnetic materials, an external magnetic field induces an opposing field, causing repulsion and allowing levitation. An external field induces an opposing field. All electrons in their atoms are paired.
Superconductors have zero electrical resistance due to Cooper pairs, which prevents scattering of electrons.
Meissner effect causes repulsion due to screening currents. If there is some penetration then the superconductor is pinned in place through flux tubes.

An electromagnet is a coil of wire which creates a magnetic field when current is applied.

Hall effect. Magnetic field applied to a current-carrying conductor causes a Lorentz force which deflects the electrons and induces a Hall voltage. Can be used to measure magnetic fields, current, or position.

A Helmholtz coil uses a pair of wide magnetic coils carrying the same current on the same axis to produce a nearly uniform magnetic field. A third larger magnetic coil on the outside can improve uniformity, producing a Maxwell coil.

Generator and electric motor

An H-bridge switches the polarity of an input voltage, allowing DC motors to run backwards. Can be implemented with a double pole double throw (DPDT) relay.

Power engineering

The electric grid or power grid delivers electric power via transmission between power plants to electrical substations at 500 kV and distribution to individual consumers at 120 V to 13 kV. Substations transform voltage from 220 kV to 66 kV.



Transmission line is needed when line length exceeds the wavelength, especially at radio frequency above 30 kHz.

In the near field, field lines remain electrically attached to the antenna, so absorption of radiation in the near field by adjacent conducting objects detectably affects transmitter load. The far field is the radiative zone.

Omnidirectional antenna has a broad beam.

Directional antenna, beam antenna, or high-gain antenna makes a focused beam.

A frequency mixer multiplies two signals f1 and f2, outputting the heterodyne signals f1+f2 and f1-f2.

A phase detector outputs the difference in phase.

A phase-locked loop (PLL) generates an output with the same phase as the input.

Spark-gap transmitter: electric spark drives electric oscillations in a antenna or resonant RC circuit at RF, producing transient damped waves. Induction coil transforms battery voltage to 10 kV. A resonant transformer couples the primary winding to a less damped secondary winding, concentrating energy in a narrower bandwidth.

1913 regenerative receiver uses triode amplifier tubes with feedback above unity

Radio receiver

A RF cavity is a metal structure that confines electromagnetic fields. The resonant frequencies reinforce to form standing waves. Particle accelerators use RF cavities to store energy, with a superconductor coating to maximize quality factor Q to 1e10.
Magnetron is a resonant microwave cavity.
Gunn diode generates microwaves
IMPATT diode generates microwaves at high power over 3 kW

HackRF One SDR can spoof GPS CDMA at 1 GHz
Flipper Zero
FM radio 88-108 MHz, AM radio 535-1705 kHz. Amateur radio at 3.5-4 MHz. TV broadcasting 54-88 MHz and 555-763 MHz.

Citizens Band 27 MHz
Multi-Use Radio Service 151 MHz
Family Radio Service and General Mobile Radio Service 462 MHz

A nonlinear junction detector (NLJD) floods high-frequency RF energy to detect unshielded electronics, which return a high second-to-third harmonic ratio.

synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) uses the motion of the radar antenna over a target region to increase spatial resolution over stationary beam-scanning radar.
Side looking airborne radar (SLAR)


Public switched telephone network (PSTN)

Cell network

  1. Physical channel from user equipment (UE)
  2. (link layer)
  3. (network layer)
  1. IP, TCP, HTTP
  2. CDMA2000 IS-41 and GSM Mobile Application Part (MAP): network-side standard mobility services.


Seven-segment display.

1939. The Radio Corporation of America (RCA) introduces black-and-white television at the New York World’s Fair.

Cathode ray tube (CRT): electron-stimulated luminescence of a fluorescent phosphor surface.

Liquid-crystal display (LCD) uses elongated molecules that rotate in an electric field. The backlight polarizer emits polarized light, which passes through the liquid crystals, and then is filtered in the analyzer polarizing filter in the display.


MEMS (micro-electromechanical systems)


Telegraph used single-wire earth return (SWER).

Coaxial cable

Twisted pair cable reduces radiation and cancels out electromagnetic interference (EMI). It can be shielded or unshielded. It was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1881.
Differential signaling uses two wires carrying the same signal with opposite polarity, giving 6 dB more signal.

Telephone wiring uses a single twisted pair per voice line. RJ11, RJ14, and RJ25 (registered jack) are 6-position modular connectors for telephone connections, with positions colored red/green, yellow/black, and white/blue. RJ11 usually uses 4-contact 6P4C connectors, where the outer contacts are unused.

Category 5e cable supports 100 MHz. It uses 4 twisted pairs terminated with 8P8C modular connectors.

A pull-up resistor connects the shared line to high voltage, giving a high signal by default. Any connection to ground results in 0 V shared. Wired-and uses an open drain MOSFET or open collector BJT ⎐, where logic high leaves the shared open or unconnected and logic low pulls the shared to ground.

A pull-down resistor gives 0 V by default. Any connection to high voltage results in high voltage shared. Wired-or uses an open source or open emitter ⎏.

A return-to-zero line code uses three line states. The line drops to 0 V between each pulse, so it is self-clocking, but requires twice the bandwidth. A non-return-to-zero (NRZ) code only uses two line states.

A serial bus transmits one bit at a time, while a parallel bus transmits multiple bits.

A parallel bus is more complex and with more crosstalk.

Vehicles use the CAN bus (controller area network), a message-based protocol using an NRZ code over serial differential wired-AND connection. High-speed CAN reaches 1 Mbps, where the dominant (0) state drives CAN high 3.5 V and CAN low 1.5 V, and resistors at each end pull the wires to the recessive (1) state with 0 nominal differential voltage. Each frame consists of an ID, up to eight data bytes, a CRC, and an ack slot. On-board diagnostics (OBD) can use CAN or other protocols.

I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) is a low-level serial communication bus using just two bidirectional lines: serial data line (SDA) and serial clock line (SCL). Both lines use an open-drain MOSFET bus, where a logic 1 is output by letting the line float, requiring a pull-up resistor to the 5 V source.

Ethernet physical layer

ACPI: Advanced Configuration and Power Interface for power management.

USB (Universal Serial Bus) is a power and communication standard. USB 4 supports 5 GB/s (two lanes at 2.5 GB/s). It uses a packeted tiered star topology where the host controller has a root hub and connects to downstream devices or hubs. A USB device can contain multiple endpoints, each with one pipe or logical channel. USB power delivery supports up to 48 V at 5 A. USB-C is the latest connector.

PCIe (Peripheral Component Interconnect express) is a serial expansion bus. v5 is 4 GB/s per lane, so x16 is 64 GB/s. It uses a point-to-point topology allowing full duplex communication.

HDMI includes a Display Data Channel I2C bus for E-DID, transition-minimized differential signaling (TMDS), and optionally a Consumer Electronics Control and Audio Return Channel. TMDS interleaves video, audio, and control data packet types.

Data storage

Analog Digital Converter (ADC) and Digital Analog Converter (DAC).

Floppy disk. 3.5", 300 rpm. Floppy drive interface uses active low logic signals, so only the falling edge is relevant. Open collector with a pull-up resistor to 5 V.

compact disk (CD)

Hard disk drive (HDD) has the lowest cost per bit but lower IO rates (spindles). A spindle holds around two double-sided platters or disks coated in 10 nm of magnetic cobalt alloy. The disk spins at 7,200 rpm and read-and-write heads at a 5 nm flying height modify magnetic grains 200 nm wide radially and 25 nm deep in the circumference direction. Grain size is limited by superparamagnetism, where small grains can thermally flip over the Néel relaxation time. The core of the platter is aluminum, glass, or ceramic, and a protective overcoat of diamond-like carbon for protection is deposited using sputtering or chemical vapor deposition.

Perpendicular recording uses a “monopole” write head and soft underlayer to allow more magnetic flux to penetrate a stiffer (higher coercivity) data storage layer. It magnetizes in the up/down direction and triples storage density over longitudinal recording.

A flip-flop is an edge-triggered bistable circuit, while a latch is level-triggered. A set-reset (SR) latch can use two NOR gates where the output of one is fanned into the input of the other. One gate is designated as the set gate to store a 1, and its output is the stored bit; the other is the reset gate to store a 0. A flip-flop is gated on a rising-edge detector, which can be implemented using two relays. Since transistors can only drive a limited amount of charge, master-slave latches help to reduce the fan-out and capacitance of the clock signal.

Volatile random-access memory (RAM).

Nonvolatile memory. A floating-gate MOSFET stores charge in an electrically isolated gate. Secondary control gates are deposited above the floating gate and can modify it capacitatively via Fowler–Nordheim tunneling cold field electron emission.


A diode allows current only in one direction. There is a threshold voltage (0.5-1 V) before any current can flow. Semiconductor diodes replace vacuum tubes, which used an electron-emitting cathode.

Electrons in a single atom have a discrete set of possible energy states corresponding to molecular orbitals. In a material, these aggregate into bands of allowed electron energies. The valence band is the highest range of electron energies where electrons are normally present and is below the conduction band, the lowest vacant energy states.

The Fermi level is the energy needed to add one electron and is measured with a voltmeter. Electron or fermion energy states follow Fermi–Dirac statistics. The energy state at the Fermi level has a 50% chance of being occupied, and states far from the Fermi level are unlikely to change.

In a conductor, the Fermi level is inside a band. In a metal, electrons are delocalized, and energy fills the band from bottom to top. In an insulator, the Fermi level is in a very wide bandgap, so electron flow is impossible. In a pure semiconductor, some electrons are excited in the conduction band (n), leaving behind an equal number of holes in the valence band (p). The excitations allow a small amount of current flow.

An extrinsic semiconductor has been doped.

At a p-n junction, electrons flow from n to p causing + charge at the n-type, - charge at the p-type, an electric field until the energy level equalizes between donors and acceptors. In the depletion region, there are no electrons in the conduction band and no holes in the valence band, so current can only flow from n to p. p-n junction isolation surrounds transistors in an integrated circuit with reverse biased p–n junctions.

Solar cells or PV cells use a photodiode based on the photovoltaic effect. Upon absorbing a photon, an electron in the valence band jumps into the conduction band and becomes free, moving to the cathode and producing a photocurrent.


A bipolar junction transistor (BJT) is used for amplification or switching. It can be PNP or NPN type. A current from base to emitter controls connectivity from collector to emitter. It is a minority-carrier device (electrons in NPNs, holes in PNPs). Invented by William Shockley at Bell Labs in 1948. In 1957, the traitorous eight leave to found Fairchild Semiconductor.

A field-effect transistor (FET) uses an electric field to control the flow of current in a semiconductor. Gate-to-source voltage alters conductivity between source and sink. A depletion region is an insulating region that forms when mobile charge carriers have been removed. It is invented in 1959.

CMOS (Complementary MOS) is used for 99% of chips. It pairs an n-type and a c-type transitor. It has low static power consumption since one transistor is always off and only switching draws power, and the balanced voltages give high noise immunity. With single transistors, a small direct current must flow through a logic gate when the gate is on, leading to power drain.

1960. The integrated circuit (IC) or chip is a circuit manufactured as a single piece of silicon. By Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments and Robert Noyce (cofounder of Fairchild Semiconductor) using BJT and soon superseded by MOS ICs in 1964.



Light source.


SRAM is 4x the area per bit of DRAM

Moore’s law: transistor count doubles every two years. By Intel CEO Gordon Moore.
1971. Intel 4004 is the first microprocessor, manufactured via single-chip large-scale integration (LSI). Fourth generation of computer.
1975. 10k gates/chip.
1986. Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) puts 1M Tr/chip.
500 nm (1992) was the gate length. 300k gates/chip. 250 mm2/chip. 200 mm wafer. 3 levels of interconnect.

Electronic design automation (EDA)