

See also statistics, Linear algebra, and Computer science.


A language consists of:

Term logic or traditional logic by Aristotle.

Classical logic

Structural proof theory by Gerhard Gentzen studies systems for analytic proof, which are in normal form and have semantic properties are exposed.

Non-classical logic

Propositional logic does not have variables or quantifiers. Also known as boolean logic or zeroth-order logic. Equivalent to Boolean algebra (1854).

First-order logic or predicate logic has quantifiers over natural numbers, but not sets or functions of natural numbers.

Second-order logic allows quantification over relation variables.

First-order logic

Model theory. An interpretation provides formal semantics for a language, that is, a relation \(R^\mathcal M \subseteq M^n\) for each relation symbol R of arity n in a domain M.

A theory is a set of sentences or axioms. A theory is satisfiable if there exists a model which satisfies all its sentences. A theory is valid if it’s true in all possible models.

Gödel’s Completeness Theorem: first-order logic is complete i.e. all true statements are provable (in countable steps).

Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory

A well-ordered set is a total ordering such that every non-empty subset has a least element.


Abstraction or self-reference lead to contradiction.

Liar’s paradox: “this statement is false” occurs in languages where we can correlate statements and predicates on statements.

1901. Russell’s paradox: naive set theory and any set theory that contains an unrestricted comprehension principle is inconsistent. Unrestricted comprehension means that it is possible to define all objects with a property. We can define the set S = {x | x not in x} and ask whether S contains itself. S in S iff S not in S, a contradiction. Part of The Principles of Mathematics (1903).

1910. Principia Mathematica by Alfred Whitehead and Bertrand Russell on mathematical logic. It develops a logical foundation for mathematics that resolves Russell’s paradox using a type theory.

1929. Gödel’s completeness theorem: first-order logic is complete, i.e. all true statements are provable.

1931. Gödel’s first incompleteness theorem. a complete and consistent set of axioms for arithmetic is impossible. Robinson arithmetic is incomplete, i.e. it contains statements which can neither be proved nor disproved, because it can express the Gödel sentence (“this sentence is unprovable”) or the halting problem. Each symbol and well-formed formula can be encoded as a Gödel number, a unique natural number.

Gödel’s second incompleteness theorem. A formal system F containing Robinson arithmetic can express the formula consistent(F) or Con(F) = “there does not exist a natural number coding a formal derivation within the system whose conclusion is a syntactic contradiction”. By diagonalization, Con(F) is not provable in F.
No consistent theory T that contains Robinson arithmetic Q can interpret Q + Con(T), the statement that T is consistent. However, Con(T) can be proven in a stronger theory.

Tarski’s undefinability theorem says that arithmetical truth cannot be defined in arithmetic.

Cantor’s diagonal argument shows that the real numbers are uncountable.
Cantor’s theorem states that the power set of S is larger than S. Consider a map f which associates each member x of S with a subset of S. Can f cover all the subsets of S? No: there is no y s.t. f(y) = {x | x not in f(x)}. Otherwise, y in f(y) iff y not in f(y), a contradiction. This argument applies more generally any time we objects of a domain are attached to predicates over the same domain. Then we can apply to an object the predicate that it represents.

Cardinal numbers represent the size of a set. The first infinite cardinal number is ℵ_0, the cardinality of the natural numbers.

Ordinal numbers represent an order isomorphism class or a location in a well-ordering. von Neuman ordinals are a canonical representation that defines an ordinal as the set of ordinals that precede it. The smallest infinite ordinal is ω, the natural numbers. Ordinals have addition, multiplication, and exponentiation.

Ordinal analysis. A theory can prove transfinite induction for well-orders up to its proof-theoretic ordinal.

Halting problem: determining whether a program halt or run forever is undecidable. The program halts(f) cannot be total (defined for all programs), since then g := if halts(g): loop_forever leads to a contradiction.

Semiotic triangle
Linguistic dialectic

Elementary algebra

L1 norm

Vieta’s formulas: normalizing a polynomial to leading coefficient 1, the coefficients are the elementary symmetric polynomials of the roots.


Pascal’s identity. \(\displaystyle\binom{n-1}k+\binom{n-1}{k-1} = \binom{n}k\), pick \(n\) elements including or excluding \(x\)

Hockey-stick identity. \(\displaystyle\sum_{i=r}^n\binom{i}r = \binom{n+1}{r+1}\)

There are \(\binom{n-1}{r-1}\) ways to distribute \(n\) indistinguishable balls into \(r\) distinguishable boxes s.t. each box contains at least one ball.
There are \(\binom{n+m}n\) arrangements of \(n\) black and \(m\) white balls.

Flip \(k\) coins with \(P(\text{heads})=p\). Expect \(1 + 2(k-1)p(1-p)\) runs because transition probability is \(2p(1-p)\). Expect \(p+(k-1)p(1-p)\) runs of heads.
\(\V[R] = \E[R^2]-\E[R]^2\), where \(\E[R^2] = \sum\sum \E[t_it_j]\) can be computed by breaking into 3 cases:

Arrange \(n\) black and \(m\) white balls uniformly at random. For \(r\) black runs and \(s\) white runs,
\(\displaystyle P(r, s)=\frac{\binom{n-1}{r-1}\binom{m-1}{s-1}}{\binom{n+m}n}\times \begin{cases} 1,&|r-s|=1\\ 2,&r=s\\ 0,&\text{else} \end{cases}\)

\(\displaystyle P(r) = P(r,r\pm1)+P(r,r) = \frac{\binom{n-1}{r-1}\left[\binom{m-1}{r-2}+2\binom{m-1}{r-1}+\binom{m-1}r\right]}{\binom{n+m}n}=\frac{\binom{n-1}{r-1}\binom{m+1}r}{\binom{n+m}n}\)

\(\displaystyle E(r) = \sum_{r=0}^n \frac{r\binom{n-1}{r-1}\binom{m+1}r}{\binom{n+m}n} = \frac{m+1}{\binom{n+m}n}\sum_{r=0}^n \binom{m}{r-1} \binom{n-1}{r-1} = \frac{m+1}{\binom{n+m}n}\binom{m+n-1}m = \frac{(m+1)n}{m+n}\)

\(\displaystyle V(r) = E(r^2) - E(r)^2 = \frac{n(m+1)(mn+n-1)}{(m+n)(m+n-1)} - E(r)^2 = \frac{(m+1)n}{m+n}\cdot\frac{m(n-1)}{m+n-1}\)

Graph theory

Handshaking lemma: there is an even number of people who shake hands with an odd number of people.

Routing problems

Mountain climbing problem: two mountain climbers starting at sea level on opposite sides can meet at the summit while maintaing equal altitude at all times.

Combinatorial math


Pons asinorum (“bridge of asses”): an isosceles triangle has two equal angles.

Fermat point is geometric median


cos x = Re(exp ix) = (exp ix + exp(-ix))/2
sin x = Im(exp ix) = (exp ix - exp(-ix))/(2i)

cos x cos y = (cos(x+y) + cos(x-y))/2
cos nx = cos((n-1)x) (2 cos x) - cos((n-2)x)
Integral can be computed using Euler’s identity. E.g. ∫ cos^2(x) = 1/4 (2x + sin 2x) + C.

Curvature is the second derivative, or the reciprocal of the radius of an osculating circle tangent to the smooth curve.
An inflection point is a change in curvature.

An evolute is the locus of all its centers of curvature. Extreme points of curvature form cusps on the evolute.

Descartes’ theorem relates the curvatures of four kissing (mutually tangent) circles: (sum c_i)^2 = 2 sum c_i^2.

Four-vertex theorem: the curvature along a simple, closed, smooth plane curve has at least two local maxima and at least two local minima.

Tennis ball theorem theorem: a smooth curve that divides a ball into two equal-area subsets without touching or crossing itself must have at least four inflection points.

Non-Euclidean geometry

A projective space is a space with a point at infinity for each direction.

Abstract algebra

An equivalence relation is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.
Equivalence relations partition elements into disjoint equivalence classes.

Category theory. A category is a collection of objects linked by composable morphisms or arrows, where the identity arrow exists for every object.

A universal property characterizes objects up to isomorphism, independently of the choice of construction.

A group is a set with an associative operation that has an identity and an inverse. An abelian group is commutative.

Representation theory studies abstract algebraic structures by describing its elements as linear transformations of modules.

A lattice is a partially ordered set (poset) in which every pair of elements has a unique supremum (least upper bound or join ∨) and infimum (meet ∧).


A ring has addition and associative distributive multiplication.

A field is a ring where multiplication is commutative and invertible.

A prime cannot be expressed as the product of two non-units.

Number theory

Natural numbers N are discrete and ordered. Set of zero and its successors.

Pigeonhole principle. If n items are put into m containers, with n > m, then at least one container must have multiple items.

Numeral system

Gaussian integers are a + bi, with units 1, -1, i, and -i. A positive integer is a Gaussian prime if it is a prime that is 3 mod 4. The norm of a Gaussian integer is its product with its conjugate, and is multiplicative. Gaussian integers form a principal ideal domain.

Extended Euclidean algorithm produces the Bézout coefficients x and y satisfying ax + by = gcd(a,b).

\(a\) is a quadratic residue mod \(n\) if \(x^2 = a \pmod n\) for some \(x\).

A nonzero polynomial over a field has at most as many roots as its degree. Lagrange’s theorem states that a nonzero polynomial of degree n over ℤ/pℤ has at most n roots. In particular, \(x^2 = a \pmod p\) has at most two solutions, so there are at least (p-1)/2 distinct quadratic residues modulo p.

The Legendre symbol \(\left(\frac{a}{p}\right) = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if } a \text{ is a quadratic residue}\\ -1 & \text{if } a \text{ is a quadratic nonresidue} \\ 0 & \text{if } p | a \end{cases}\) for an odd prime p.

Euler’s criterion: \(\left(\frac{a}{p}\right) \equiv a^{\tfrac{p-1}{2}} \pmod p\).
In particular, -1 is a quadratic residue iff p = 1 mod 4.
By Fermat’s little theorem, \(2^{p-1} = 2^{8k} = 1\pmod p\).
Proof: \(a^p = a \pmod p\) can be written as \(\left( a^{\tfrac{p-1}{2}}-1 \right)\left( a^{\tfrac{p-1}{2}}+1 \right) \equiv 0 \pmod p,\) one of which must be 0. Every quadratic residue makes the first factor 0, and by Lagrange’s theorem, there can only be (p-1)/2 solutions for the first factor, so the nonresidues must make the second factor 0.

Quadratic reciprocity relates solvability of x^2 = p mod q and x^2 = q mod p. \(\left(\frac{p}{q}\right) \left(\frac{q}{p}\right) = (-1)^{\frac{p-1}{2}\frac{q-1}{2}}\).

The second supplement states that 2 is a quadratic residue iff p = 1 or -1 mod 8. Proof: for s = (p-1)/2, consider:
\(1= (-1)(-1) \\ 2=2(-1)^2 \\ 3=(-3)(-1)^3 \\ 4=4 (-1)^4 \\ \ \,\cdots\\ s= (\pm s)(-1)^s.\)
The negative odd numbers are just the other even numbers since 2s = -1 mod p and 2(s-1) = -3 mod p, so the right side contains all even numbers. Multiplying together, \(s! = s! 2^s (-1)^{s(s+1)/2}\) so \(2^s = (-1)^{(p^2-1)/8}\).
a is a bth power residue iff x^b - a splits into linear factors mod p.
2 is a quadratic residue iff p splits in Z[sqrt(2)] as a product of two primes. Class field theory says that a prime splits in an abelian extensions iff \(\chi\colon (\mathbb Z/8\mathbb Z)^\times\to \mathbb C^\times\) has \(\chi(p) = 1\).

Dirichlet’s theorem on quadratic residues

Quartic reciprocity. If p = 3 mod 4, then a is a quadratic residue mod p iff it is a quartic residue. Proof. -1 is a quadratic nonresidue mod p, so for any x, exactly one of x and -x is a quadratic residue. Thus if a quadratic residue a = x^2 mod p, either x = y^2 or -x = y^2.

Thus only p = 1 mod 4 is unsolved. -1 is a quartic residue iff p = 1 mod 8. 2 is a quadratic residue iff p = 1 mod 8, in which case we can express p = a^2 + 2b^2, and 2 is a quartic residue iff p = a^2 + 64b^2.

p-adic numbers.

Diophantine equations

Euler’s four-square identity: the product of two sums of four squares is a sum of four squares.

Midy’s theorem.

Geometry of numbers

Linear algebra

See also: Linear algebra and differential equations.

Einstein notation sums over index variables that appear twice in a term. For example a dot product is a_i b^i. Free indices appear once per term and are not summed over.

Jacobian matrix: \(J_{ij} = ∂ f_i / ∂ x_j\) for \(f(x): R^n \to R^m\).

For a vector space V over a field F, its dual space V* is the space of linear forms V -> F.

Vectors are contravariant: their numerical components vary inversely with a change of basis. If we divide a basis vector by 100 (changing from meters to centimeters), the vector components will multiply by 100 in the new basis.
Covectors are covariant: they transform in the same way as a change of basis.

Exterior algebra has a wedge product ∧ s.t. v ∧ v = 0 for all v. A k-blade is the wedge product of k vectors and is the directed hypervolume of the parallelotope. A bivector is a 2-blade.
A geometric algebra or Clifford algebra has an inner product.

Algebraic geometry

Algebraic geometry is the geometry of solutions to polynomial equations.

An algebraic variety is the space of solutions of a system of polynomial equations: conic sections, cubic curves like elliptic curves, quartic curves like lemniscates and Cassini ovals. A variety over a rational field has a finite number of rational points.

A scheme generalizes an algebraic variety. A scheme is glued from a sheaf of affine schemes just like manifolds are glued from pieces that resemble R^n.

A toposis a category that behaves like the category of sheaves of sets on a topological space.

1840. Dirichlet’s approximation theorem.
1844. Liouville numbers are transcendental.

Prime-counting function π(n) is the number of primes less than or equal to n.

Dirichlet series. sum a_n / n^s.
Riemann zeta function. ζ(s) = sum 1/n^s.

1967. Langlands program relates Galois groups in algebraic number theory to automorphic forms and algebraic groups over local fields. General analysis of invariance for algebraic structures and arithmetic objects through their automorphic functions.

Chaos theory: fractal self-similarity, Mandelbrot set, bifurcation theory, Lyapunov time.


Topology is the geometry of “rubber sheets”. It studies qualitative spatial properties invariant under continuous deformations like stretching without tearing or gluing.

A topology τ is defined as a collection of open sets, which describe spatial relations between members of a set X:

A subset is closed if its complement is an open set.

A connected space cannot be represented as the union of two disjoint open subsets.

A compact space can be covered by a finite number of open sets.

Separation axioms (“Trennungsaxiom”)

Algebraic topology finds algebraic invariants that classify topological spaces.


Real numbers R is continuous.

Functional analysis

Complex numbers are algebraically closed.



A Taylor series or Taylor expansion of a function at \(a\) is:
\(f(a) + \frac {f'(a)}{1!} (x-a) + \frac {f''(a)}{2!} (x-a)^2 + \cdots\)
\(= \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{f^{(n)}(a)}{n!} (x-a)^n\).


\(\textrm{d}e^x = e^x\)
Eigenfunction of differentiation: \(e^x\) is unchanged by differentiation.
Continuous compounding: always grow by the current amount.

Slope at 0, or eigenvalue C: \(a^x\) = \(e^{Cx}\).

\(e^x\) must have slope 1 at 0. Consider a linear approximation at \(x=\frac1n\). As \(n\to\infty, e^{1/n} = 1 + \frac1n \Rightarrow e = (1+\frac1n)^n\). More generally, \(\displaystyle e^z = \lim_{n\to\infty} \left(1+\frac{z}n\right)^n\).

The slope of \(a^x\) at \(x\) is \(a^x\) times its slope at 0:
\[\frac{d}{dx} a^x = \lim_{h\to0} \frac{a^{x+h} - a^x}h = a^x \lim_{h\to0} \frac{a^h-1}h\]
Intercept at 0: \(Ce^x\) is unchanged. Shifting along x is equivalent to scaling y. It determines the initial amount at x=0. To be unchanged, the slope at 0 must equal the intercept at 0, so \(e^x+C\) is not an eigenfunction.
Taylor series: \(e^x = \sum \frac{x^n}{n!}\) Can derive the coefficients from \(\textrm{d}e^x = e^x\) and \(e^0 = 1\).

Gamma function generalizes the factorial

Fractional calculus and the differintegral

Vector calculus

1730. Generating function represents an sequence as the coefficients of a formal power series.

Nonstandard analysis uses infinitesimal numbers.

Signal processing

Harmonic analysis decomposes functions into simpler functions.

A compact group is a compact topological space.

Fourier series

Continuous Fourier transform: limit as \(T\to\infty, n/T \to\omega\)

Discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT). Period \(2\pi\) sampled at frequency \(\omega = 1/2\pi\).

Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is a sampled version.

1940. Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem

Laplace transform: continuous-time signal to the complex s-domain. \(s = i\omega\)

z-transform: discrete-time signal to the complex z-plane.

Linear time-invariant (LTI) systems.


An analytic signal is a complex-valued function without negative frequency components.

Group delay and phase delay

Control theory

Differential geometry

Differential geometry is the study of calculus on differentiable manifolds.

A metric space is a set with a metric or distance function which satisfies identity, positivity, symmetry, and triangle inequality.

A manifold is a topological space that locally resembles Euclidean space. Each neighborhood is homeomorphic to R^n or C^n.

The tangent space T_x M of a manifold M at a point x generalizes tangent line and tangent plane.

An affine connection connects tangent spaces on a manifold.

1873. A Lie group is a continuous group where group multiplication and inverse is differentiable, forming a differentiable manifold. Many are compact.

A symplectic manifold is a smooth manifold with a symplectic form ω, which is a closed nondegenerate differential 2-form.

A Kähler manifold is a complex manifold which is also Riemannian and symplectic. Hermitian Yang–Mills connections and Kähler–Einstein metrics. David van Dantzig 1930.

A Riemannian manifold is a real smooth manifold M equipped with a positive-definite inner product or Riemannian metric tensor g_p on the tangent space T_pM at each point p. A Hermitian manifold is the complex analogue.

Riemann curvature tensor is a tensor field which measures the failure of the second covariant derivatives to commute. Zero curvature iff it is flat locally isometric to Euclidean space.

Conformal transformations preserve angles or equivalently the inner product up to a scale factor.

Riemann mapping theorem states that any simply connected open subset of complex plane has a bijective holomorphic or conformal mapping onto the open unit disk.

Uniformization theorem: every simply connected Riemann surface is conformally equivalent to the open unit disk, the complex plane, or the Riemann sphere.

Geometrization conjecture says that every 3-manifold is locally equivalent to one of eight types of geometry. As a corollary, the Poincaré Conjecture states that every closed 3-manifold with with the same topology as a sphere is a geometric sphere. Conjectured by William Thurston in the 1980s and proven by Grigori Perelman in 2003.

Brouwer fixed-point theorem (1911): every continuous function from a closed disk to itself has at least one fixed point.

Banach fixed-point theorem (1922): a contraction mapping of a complete metric space has a unique fixed point which can be found by iterating the mapping.

Lefschetz fixed-point theorem (1926) counts the fixed points of a continuous mapping from a compact topological space X to itself by means of traces of the induced mappings on the homology groups of X. Leads to the Poincaré–Hopf theorem. Nielsen theory says that any map f has at least N(f) fixed points, where N(f) is the Nielsen number.

A holomorphic function is complex differentiable in a neighbourhood of each point.


See also: Convex optimization.

Variational calculus

Linear programming

Let \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) be support vectors on opposite sides of \(w^Tx+b=0\). We can normalize \(w\) such that \(w^Tx_1+b=1\), \(w^Tx_2+b=-1\), \(w^T(x_1-x_2)=2\). Then the margin is \(\left\langle \frac{w}{\lVert w\rVert}, x_1-x_2\right\rangle = \frac2{\lVert w\rVert}\), so
\[\min \frac12 \lVert w\rVert^2\text{ s.t. }y_i(w^Tx+b)\geq 1\]

Lagrange multipliers

Lagrangian \(L(v, \alpha) = f(v) + \sum \alpha_i h_i(v)\)

At optimal \(v\), \(\nabla L = 0\). Contour lines of \(f\) and \(h_i\) are tangent so \(\nabla f(v) = \alpha_i \nabla h_i(v)\)

\(\alpha_i\) is the sensitivity of the objective to constraints \(h_i\)

Primal: \(\min f(v)\) s.t. \(h_i(v) \leq 0\)

Lagrange dual function \(\displaystyle g(\alpha) = \inf_{v\in\mathbb{R}^d} L(v, \alpha) = \inf_v f(v) + \textstyle\sum \alpha_i h_i(v)\) is concave

Dual \(\displaystyle\sup_{\alpha\in\mathbb{R}^d} g(\alpha) = \sup_{\alpha} \inf_v f(v) + \textstyle\sum \alpha_i h_i(v)\) always convex!

Weak duality: \(\displaystyle\inf_v \sup_{\alpha} L = f^* \geq g^* = \sup_{\alpha} \inf_v L\)

Strong duality: \(f^* = g^*\) if Slater’s condition (convex \(f\), \(\exists v\) s.t. all non-affine \(h_i<0\))

Duality gap: given primal \(x\) and dual \(u,v\), \(f(x)-f^* < f(x) - g(u,v)\)

Kernel methods

Convex optimization

Laplace’s method approximates integrals of exp(M f(x)) for twice-differentiable f.

Numerical analysis

Combinatorial optimization over a discrete domain is much harder than continuous optimization due to the lack of a gradient signal. Common in operations research.


Abraham Robinson
The Nicolas Bourbaki group publishes the Elements of Mathematics (1934).