
Visual Art

Media: painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, design, crafts.

110 BC. Venus de Milo.
400 BC. Aphrodite of Knidos is a life-sized sculpture of a nude woman by Praxiteles of Athens.
400 Vergilius Romanus is an illustrated manuscript of the works of Virgil.
960. Song dynasty Screen printing


In 1450, the Renaissance begins the early modern period in art, science, and politics.

Artists begin composing realistic, unified scenes with perspective. Emphasis on harmony, religion, and idealized beauty.

Baroque: intense, dramatic, complex compositions with rich colors.

1439 Beauvais Cathedral is one of the tallest structures in the world.
The Sistine Chapel in the Apostolic Palace is built in 1481. Michelangelo paints the Sistine Chapel ceiling and The Last Judgment around 1512.
St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City is rebuilt from 1506 to 1615.

Age of Enlightenment, 1650 - 1800
Liberalism and socialism.
A Harlot’s Progress (1732) by William Hogarth.
The Legion of Honor is built in 1787 on the left bank of the River Seine. The Californian Legion of Honor is a three-quarter scale replica built in 1924.

Manual of the Mustard Seed Garden 芥子园画传 (1679)

1700. Ukiyo-e woodblock prints

Romanticism, 1800 - 1837

Emphasizes emotional experience including sympathy, awe, wonder, and the sublime. Arts and Crafts movement.

Saturn Devouring His Son (1820) by Francisco Goya.

French Romanticism.

German Romanticism. Düsseldorf School paints “en plein air” (outdoors).

Hudson River School were American landscape painters like Thomas Cole depicting the Catskill and Adirondack mountains.

Qi Baishi: beautiful nature watercolors.

Biedermeier period in Europe: middle classes grow interest in conventional art after the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815. Ends with the Revolutions of 1848.


The Four Great Academy Presidents pioneer Chinese art: Yan Wenliang, Lin Fengmian, Xu Beihong and Liu Haisu.


Whistler’s Mother (1871) depicts the dignity and composure of his mother in flat gray tones.

Social realism


Glamor photography including pinup and beefcake associated with World War II.

Banksy street art: Girl with Balloon (2002)

1931. Tube map: schematic, 45° angles, evenly-spaced stations, bold colors.
1932. Anglepoise balanced-arm lamp.
1962. Polypropylene stacking chair: designed by Robin Day. injection moulded.
1970. Monobloc chair:
Peter Saville designs album covers without text.
Marc Newson designs organic, translucent products.


iron gall ink used in Europe from 1100 to 1800. It causes ink corrosion.

India ink is a deep, rich carbon black from lampblack (fine soot).

Copper forms a verdigris patina, which is also used as a green pigment.

Lead white was the main white pigment since antiquity through the nineteenth century. It uses crystalline basic lead carbonate.
Zinc white (zinc oxide) is a cool white.
Titanium white (titanium dioxide) is a bright white with high hiding power.

Cadmium yellow (CdS) is an orange yellow. Cadmium red (CdS and CdSe).

Viridian is a bright spring green from hydrated chromium(III) oxide, available from 1850.
Paris green or emerald green is copper(II) acetate triarsenite.

Cerulean blue is a deep blue containing cobalt stannate, available from the 1870s.
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