

Life began 4.2 Ga with the prokaryotes, which do not have a nucleus. Prokaryotes include bacteria and archaea.

Nutritional groups

Growth medium

Eukaryotes formed 2.1 Ga from the endosymbiosis of an aerobic bacterium inside an anaerobic Asgard archaea. They have a cell nucleus and usually a mitochondrion with double membrane and aerobic respiration. They consist mainly of the SAR supergroup, amoebozoa, plant, fungus, and animal.

Eukaryote phylogeny

SAR supergroup

The taxonomic ranks are domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species.

Viruses are not alive because they cannot reproduce independently. They reproduce in a lysogenic cycle which incorporates their DNA into the host genome, and a lytic cycle which destroys the cell to release the virus. There are six viral realms:

Transmissible spongiform encephalopathy or prion disease

Bacteria kingdom

Gracilicutes or Hydrobacteria or Negibacteria are diderms (gram-negative).

Terrabacteria adapted to live on land 3 Ga. They are monoderms with just one peptidoglycan cell wall, which stains gram-positive.

Archaea kingdom

Archaea formed 3.7 Ga and are characterized by a cell membrane containing ether lipids like archaeols. Closer to eukaryotes. Contain many extremophiles.

Plant kingdom

Plants formed from the endosymbiosis of a cyanobacterium inside an aerobic eukaryote, leading to chloroplasts surrounded by two membranes.



Plant hormones

Diploidization: a newly polyploid genome reduce gene dosage by losing chunks of duplicated DNA.



Conifers (gymnosperms) have naked ovules which are seeds when fertilized. They contain pinene, the most common terpenoid, an insect repellant, and an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor.

Flowering plants

Basal flowering plants have two embryonic leaves or cotyledons and 1-pore (monosulcate) pollen. Pollen profilins are major respiratory allergens causing allergic rhinitis or hay fever.

National Garden Bureau

Botanical Reddit post viewed 4/16/17 4 pm
The immediate thing to see is that this is a bipinnately compound leaf:
A leaf is distinguished by an axillary bud:
More broad intro to plant anatomy:
Structured cell division occurs at shoot apical meristem:



Monocots (Lilidae) have seeds with one embryonic leaf or cotyledon. Culm is the above ground stem of a grass or sedge.

Order Alismatales: seagrasses, the only marine flowering plants

Order Asparagales: daffodil (Narcissus), Vanilla, Amaryllis, asphodel (Asphodelus), Aloe, onion/garlic/scallion (Allium), snowdrop (Galanthus).

Order Arecales: date palm (Phoenix), açaí palm (Euterpe)

Graminoids (Order Poales)

Order Zingiberales: ginger jiāng 姜 (Zingiber), banana (Musa), bird of paradise flower (Strelitzia)


Order Fabales contains nitrogen-fixing bacteria (Rhizobia) in root nodules > legume (Fabaceae family)

Order Rosales

Order Fagales produces potent allergens.

Gourds: Cucurbitales order > Cucurbitaceae family

Order Malpighiales (100 Mya): willow (Salix) contains salicin, violet modesty and pansy 三色堇 (Viola), poinsettia, manchineel, coca plant, cassava (Manihot), Erythroxylum contains cocaine

Order Celastrales incl. khat (Catha) which contains the monoamine stimulant cathinone

Order Zygophyllales: chaparral or creosote bush (Larrea tridentata) is an evergreen shrub that can form large clonal colonies. It has bitter, dark green leaves and yellow flowers with five petals.

Order Oxalidales: wood sorrel (Oxalis)


Order Myrtales: pomegranate (Punica), guava (Psidium), Fuchsia, Eucalyptus, clove (Syzygium) eugenol analgesic, bloodwood (Corymbia), evening primrose (Oenothera)

Order Geraniales: Geranium sincerity

Order Malvales: mallow (Malva), linden tree (Tilia), baobab (Adansonia)

Order Brassicales produce mustard oil (glucosinolate)

Order Sapindales


Order Caryophyllales: carnations (Dianthus), amaranth (Amaranthus) incl. Quinoa (Chenopodium), ice plant (Aizoaceae family), beet (Beta), rhubarb (Rheum), buckwheat (Fagopyrum), many carnivorous plants, many succulents, chickweed (Stellaria)

Order Ericales

Order Asterales > sunflower (Asteraceae family). Flower heads or composite flowers with hundreds of disk florets surrounded by “petals” of colorful ray flowers. Largest plant family, with 32,000 species. Chrysanthemum happy yellow flowers, Dahlia, safflower (Carthamus).

Order Lamiales

Order Gentianales

Fungi kingdom

Fungi include yeasts, molds, mushrooms. They are closely related to animals and cannot photosynthesize. They consist of parasites, mutualistic symbionts, and saprotrophs or decomposers which play a vital role in nutrient cycling. Mycorrhiza are a symbiosis where fungi grow in plant roots, giving water and minerals in exchange for carbohydrates. Wood-decay fungi: white rot fungi can decompose lignin; brown rot fungi can only decompose cellulose; and soft rot fungi secrete cellulase and can survive a wider range of temperatures.

Animal kingdom

Animals arise around 700 mya in the Ediacaran period, as stationary filter feeders with bilateral symmetry, and radiate in the Cambrian explosion 538 mya.

Cnidaria: radially symmetric aquatic animals with mouths surrounded by tentacles with stinging cnidocytes. Swimming medusa and sessile polyp stages.

Mollusca phylum: 260 mya, often produces mother-of-pearl

Arthropoda phylum has an open respiratory system which transports gas via spiracles, tracheae, and tracheoles. Diatomaceous earth is a clay-based soil that cuts up arthropods.

Insects have a thorax with three pairs of legs. 1 million species. Pyrethrin kills adult insects.


Oily fish include forage fish like sardines, herring and anchovies, and pelagic fish such as salmon, trout, tuna, swordfish and mackerel.

Salmon are anadromous (migrating to fresh water) semelparous (die after spawning) predatory fish with natal homing. Eggs contain larvae. Eggs hatch into sac fry which stays in the gravel feeding on its yolk sac. After a few days, it becomes a fry without a sac, and moves to feed on plankton. A fingerling gets scales and fins and a carnivorous diet, and develops into a parr, which has spots and bars for camouflage, and remain for up to three years. A smolt adjusts to brackish water in estuaries and grows silver scales with countershading. 6" long post-smolts spend a year in schools and up to four more years as an adult.


Ray-finned fish (Actinopterygii class)

Otomorpha cohort

Euteleosteomorpha cohort

Percomorpha clade: taxonomy is in flux between Fishes of the World, Deepfin, and Fish Tree of Life.


Tetrapods evolved within fish: amphibians and amniotes. Many tetrapods have a cloaca, a common digestive, reproductive, and urinary orifice at the rear.

Amphibians (250 mya): cold-blooded with four-limbs. Needs water to breed. Generally undergoes metamorphosis from a larva with gills to an air-breathing adult. Breathes using buccal pumping, breathing with the floor of the mouth.

Amniotes (300 mya) are true land animals, with impermeable keratinized skin, costal respiration by expanding the ribs, and fetal membranes.

Reptiles: Lepidosauria superorder includes the tuatara (Sphenodon) and lizards (order Squamata).
Lizards have scaly skin that molts and movable upper jaws. They form the second-largest order of vertebrates, after the perciform fish. Most can lose their tails in self-defense.


A pennaceous feather has a stalk or quill. It has a hollow calamus base and a solid rachis (shaft). The rachis has vanes or vaxillum spreading to either side. Each vane has many flattened barbs that criss-cross with barbules.

Flight feathers are long, stiff, asymmetric pennaceous feathers.

Down feathers have few barbs. Powder down disintegrates into fine keratin particles which can cause allergies.

Aves class

Passerea clade



Mammalia class: monotremes are basal. Other extant mammals are in Theriimorpha > Theriiformes > Trechnotheria > Cladotheria > Theria, which divides into Eutheria > Placentalia and Metatheria > Marsupials.

Laurasiatheria magnorder

Carnivora order: African wild dog (Lycaon), wolverine (Gulo)

Euarchontoglires superorder

Traditional Chinese medicine